Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Promotional Photos of Episode 8 'Are we there yet' [Dexter Spoiler]

Spoiler Alert- Here are some promotional photos for you to check out from episode 8 'Are we there yet'. Join our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/dexterseason8updates for Dexter latest, follow on twitter @ dexters08 or follow google plus http://gplus.to/dexterseason8

Deb with her boss

Dr Vogel and Dexter

Dexter in balcony

Dexter going in the house

Quin in episode 8

Quinn with his sister

Dr Vogel with a strange smile on her face

Dr Vogel smiling

Dexter in the car

Quinn and Deb talking

Dexter with his EX

Harrison siting sad

Quinn with Harrison

Hannah on her own

Dexter grabbed his victim

group talk in Dexter


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