Monday, 4 February 2013

Dexter Spoiler - Two new characters

As it has come to our knowledge that we are expecting two new characters in Dexter Season 8. The details were made public on 26th of January. So the new cast includes Evelyn Vogel, who is said to be a challenging and a very sharp Neuro psychiatrist. Who gives her services to help the profiling of criminals. Who do you think she would profile next?.  Debrah and Dexter are going to be very vulnerable when she is on duty!!.

TV line described the second character, she is said to be a former cop, who is the owner of a small business which involves eye treatments. Furthermore it has been revealed that Sean Patrick Flanery is going to play the role. Angel Balista is going to hire him for investigation of LaGuerta`s murder, his ex-wife.
Sean Patrick Flanery - Dexter season 8
Presumably. The last season of Dexter is going to be a comeback on our screens this year on the 30th of June. Stay tuned for more news and spoilers.


Anonymous said...

Dexter needs to keep going its an amazing series!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have ShowTime just for Dexter!! If it ever ended....I would cancel my ShowTime!!

Anonymous said...

watching dex feeds my "Dark Passenger", I dont know what I'll do without him!!

Anonymous said...

The "Dark Passenger"
whenever he is driving
I feel most alive

Anonymous said...

illuminatti ?

Anonymous said...

I only have showtime for Dexter!

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