Sunday, 22 September 2013

Season 8 Finale Episode 12 'Remember the Monster' Watch Online [ Live Stream ]

Dexter Season 8 Finale! Tonight is the night and it comes to an end. It's time to say goodbye to our favorite serial killer forever! The title of this very last episode is ' Remmeber the Monster' which has been written by Scott Buck.

It's not much time left but still what do you think might happen tonight. Moreover Do comment on our Facebook fan page about tonights episode.

Season 8 Finale Episode 12 'Remember the Monster' Watch Online [ Live Stream ]
Enjoy every moment of the very last of Dexter tonight. You can check out streaming on the Showtimes website after the episode has finished.

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Where to Watch online Episode 11 'Monkey in a box' - Live Streaming

Showtime ( Source )

Dexter Season 8 Episode 11 'Monkey in a box' will be aired tonight on Showtime Network at 9 p.m. The above mentioned network appears to be streaming the episode online right after it is aired, subject to how it is available in certain countries.
Monkey in a box episode 11 Dexter

Episode 11 will be setting the tone for the finale of Dexter Series. There has been a talk that Dexter will be killed by Debra because she knows every inside of Dexter however it goes against every thing which has been established about Morgans. What about Deb, is she likely to die ?

Dexter season 8 Episode 11 airing Sunday September 15th on Showtime Network.

Do visit our Facebook page, click like on top left hand corner to participate Dexter Finale chat.

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Watch online Episode 10 "GoodBye Miami" - Live stream

Source - Showtime
Episode 10 of Dexter season 8 'Goodbye Miami' will be aired on Showtime tonight. The episode is available for streaming on the above mentioned network, subject to accessibility of individual countries. Speaking of episode 10 'Goodbye Miami', a huge drama will happen in this episode when Dexter decides to leave the country for Hannah and Debrah asks for justification for his decision. Moreover, there is someone on the menu tonight at the Dexter's table.

Dexter season 8 episode 10 Goodbye Miami

Monday, 26 August 2013

Season 8 Episode 10 'GoodBye Miami' Spoilers

The upcoming episode of Dexter 'Goodbye Miami', there is going to be a huge drama when Debra will go Mental at Dexter for leaving the country for Hannah.

 In this 10th episode, Dexter's next hunt [The Brain Surgeon] will need some of Dr. Vogel's help to bring him on the table.
Dexter season 8 Goodbye Miami episode 10

 Later, someone who is very dearly to Dexter is going to die in front of his eyes.

 Dr Vogel will get her throat sliced.

 Some romance action in between Deb and Quinn.

 Dexter will pack up for Miamami with Hannah.

Episode 10 'Good Bye Miami' Promo

Spoiler alert - Check out the promo of Dexter Season 8, Episode 10 'Good Bye Miami'. This episode will be aired in a couple of weeks time on Showtime.


Sunday, 25 August 2013

Where to Watch online Episode 9 Dexter Season 8 'Make your kind of music' [Live stream]

Dexter season 8 episode 9 is airing tonight on Showtime at 9 p.m. The episode airs on the Showtimes website after the episode has ended and on some unofficial sites such as movie4k. However the streaming may not be live. You can still check out above mentioned sources though. In this episode Dexter is upto investigating a kill whereas Vogel will be more than surprised to see someone from her past. After last weeks thrilling episode, we will be expecting more as the series is coming to an end. Don't forget to rate the episode on our Facebook fan page. 

Enjoy your Dexter night tonight.

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Next on Dexter - Episode 9 'Make Your Own Kind of Music'

The 9th episode of Dexter will be airing tomorrow at 9 p.m. on Showtime Network. The episode is called 'Make your own kind of music', in this episode Dexter will be investigating a kill and Vogel will be absolutely surprised by a visit from someone from her past. What do you expect to happen in this episode you can discuss on our Facebook fan page.

You can also check out some promotional pictures from upcoming episode 9.

Vogel and Dexter

Quinn and Deb in season 8 episode 9

Dexter Season 8 Episode 9

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Episode 8 'Are We There yet' stream online [ watch online ]

Dexter Season 8 Episode 8 'Are we there yet' will be aired tonight on 18th August 2013 on the Showtime network.

Showtime, Movie4k

To watch online you can check out above mentioned resources. The Episode is aired online on Showtimes website once it has finished. Movie4k appears to have streaming links as well.
Dexter season eight episode eight 'Are we there yet' scene

Are we there yet, is going to be an interesting episode because Dexter has a hunch about his protégé of killing innocent people. What he is going to do when he finds that out ? We would only be able to tell this tonight after watching this episode. I hope you enjoy your Dexter night tonight.

Don't forget to give your thoughts on 'Are we there yet' on our Facebook fan page.

Stay tuned for more Dexter's Latest on this blog.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Prediction of Season 8 Finale [ Spoiler ]

Dexter Season 8 Prediction and Spoiler

Debra's obsessive interest to eliminate Hannah from the life of Dexter progresses in the upcoming episode of Dexter 'Are we there yet'. Only five episodes left in the season 8 and there has been this speculation among different bloggers and series reviews that Dexter is going to die in the end.

It has been said by Yvonne Strahovski that show is going to have an emotional climax which we will see in the last episode of Dexter on 22nd of September.
Dexter Season 8 Finale Spoiler Picture

What are your views about the ending, what does the emotional ending mean by Yvonne Strahovski. We have already seen pictures of a funeral in one of the spoilers [Click Here]. Is Dexter Going to die at the end of the series? Is Debra going to die? Or is there any other theory you think is possible!.

You can give your views in the comment section or you can discuss on our active Facebook fan page here.

Promotional Photos of Episode 8 'Are we there yet' [Dexter Spoiler]

Spoiler Alert- Here are some promotional photos for you to check out from episode 8 'Are we there yet'. Join our Facebook page for Dexter latest, follow on twitter @ dexters08 or follow google plus

Deb with her boss

Dr Vogel and Dexter

Dexter in balcony

Dexter going in the house

Quin in episode 8

Quinn with his sister

Dr Vogel with a strange smile on her face

Dr Vogel smiling

Dexter in the car

Quinn and Deb talking

Dexter with his EX

Harrison siting sad

Quinn with Harrison

Hannah on her own

Dexter grabbed his victim

group talk in Dexter

Monday, 12 August 2013

Episode 8 'Are we there yet' Promo

Check out the Promo of Dexter Season 8 Episode 8 'Are We There Yet' Promo below. You can give your thoughts and views about the next week's episode in the comment section. Episode 8 is going to air next Sunday on Showtime at 9 p.m. ET/PT.

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Where to watch or stream Episode 7 'Dress Code' Online

What episode of Dexter season 8 airs tonight?

Episode 7 'Dress Code' of Dexter Season 8 is about to air tonight on Showtime. Where it can be streamed live or watched online?
Dexter season 8 Episode 7 'Dress Code' Hannah and Dexter

Dexter is available to watch online at Showtime's official website, Netflix and on movie4k. In tonights episode Dexter is going to find out about Hannah that why she is visiting Miami. This last season of Dexter is getting interesting episode by episode and Directors are saving best for the last. Will Dexter come to an end with an unexpected ending, we will have to wait and see. Hope you enjoy your Dexter time tonight.

Dexter Season 8 Episode 7 'Dress Code' Watch Online [ Live Stream ]

Episode 7 'Dress Code'

Dress Code is a title of Dexter Season 8, Episode 7. Dress Code will be aired tonight at 9 p.m. on Showtime. 

Watch online - Live stream
Dexter Standing next to Harry in Episode 7 of Season 8 title 'Dress Code'

To watch online or to get live stream you can check out above mentioned resources. In 'Dress Code' Dexter will be tracking down Hannah to find out the reason for her to come back to Miami. Check out our Facebook page for Dexter's latest and please don't forget to give your thoughts on this episode.

Enjoy your Dexter night tonight :)

Friday, 9 August 2013

Episode 7 'Dress Code' Promotional Photos

Here are some promotional photos for you to checkout from Dexter Season 8 Episode 7 'Dress Code'. The episode will be aired on Sunday the 11th Aug at 9 p.m. These pictures are categorized as spoiler pictures so please be aware.

Debra with her boss

Dexter having a conversation in a group

Dexter talking with his girl friend

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Watch online - Dexter season 8 Episode 6 'A Little Reflection' ( Live Stream )

Dexter season 8 Episode 6 "A little reflection" is airing tonight on Showtime.

Dexter season 8 Episode 6 watch online A little reflection live stream

To watch Dexter online you can check out above resources. Episode 6 'A little reflection' has been written by James Manore Jr and directed by John Dahl.  Join our Facebook page to get up to date Dexter latest.
Also don't forget to rate the episode on our Facebook page. 

Hope you enjoy your Dexter night tonight. :)

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Episode 5 "This Little Piggy" Live Stream - Watch Online

Dexter Season 8 Episode 5 'This Little Piggy' is going to be aired tonight on Showtime at 9 p.m. 

Showtime's website,

Dexter in episode 5 of Dexter season 8
To watch online, the above links stream latest episode somewhat live or after the episode is finished. Episode 5 has been written by Scott Reynolds and directed by Romeo Tirone. So guys I hope you are ready for yet another Dexter's night tonight. Please don't forget to rate the episode on our website.

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Dexter Art by Chibi Village

A great piece of Art by Chibi Village who is a great artist, a huge fan of Dexter and draws a lot of Chibis and SPN.

Mini Dexter

Quinn, Deb & Dexter! Quinn is holding one of Dexters slides in his hands

Mini Debra

Click here - Chibi Village Facebook Page

Episode 5 'This little piggy' promotional pictures [spoiler]

Spoiler alert

These are the pictures from the Episode 5 of Dexter Season 8, This Little Piggy. If you don't particularly like looking at spoilers then this post will not interest you. Episode 5 will be aired tomorrow on Sunday at 9 p.m. on Showtime

Stay tuned for more news also please subscribe to our Facebook page, Twitter and Google plus page.  Thanks

Dexter and the baby sitter

episode 5 scene picture

picture from episode 5 of Dexter

Dexter staring in episode 5 season 8

Dexter and masuka in episode 5 season 8

dexter season 8 episode 5 spoiler Debra and Dexter

Angel holding a picture of suspect in episode 5 of dexter season 8

Masuka and Dexter listening to briefing in episode 5 season 8

Dexter having a get together in season 8 of dexter episode 5

Bethany Joy Lenz In this little piggy season 8

Dr. Vogel in this little piggy

Dr. Vogel in episode 5 of dexter season 8

Masuka flirting in episode 5 of dexter season 8

Bethany Joy Lenz

Dexter Tweets