Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Dexter Season 8 and probabilities of Season 9

The most anticipated drama series, Dexter will resume in year 2013 however the air date has not been announced yet.

The popularity of Dexter has gone sky high in season seven, however it can be argued by some people that the series should be coming to an end now. The desire to end the series after season eight has been expressed by all involved in dexter and Showtime. But Dexter's frequent crushing of shows rating records will provide one more chance for another season?
Dexter Season 8

Critics and Dexter fans think alike for season seven being a remarkable outbreak of energy and total quality. Even before the premiere of season seven, it was almost concluded to end the series after season eight by Sara Cottleton, the executive produce however it seems that recent Showtime's record breaking viewing from 2.6 to 3.1 million, has given producers something to think about season nine.


Anonymous said...

Actually peeing my pants with excitment for Dexter Seaoson 8 :)

Louise Nash said...

Michael C Hall is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo fit when season 8 is coming. AAAAAahhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, i thought Dexter was gone after season 6, but was amazing..waiting with baited breath for season 8...hoping for a great wrap up and movie possibilites...any news on that?

Anonymous said...

man i got to say season 7 was just incredible. i'd love to be in an episode of Dexter!! cant wait to see the twist in season 8 (as it most likely will have one)- james (

Anonymous said...

The densest season ever. Hannah's dad appeared and was cut up in a single episode - no more time for it! The firt 2-3 episodes were slower a little bit, but after them it was a killing spree with many twists, which caused almost a phisical pain to endure somehow until the next episode airs. The new characters, Sirkov and Hannah were both amazingly written and acted. I hope Dexter will NEVER end!

Anonymous said...

hmm lets say there will be more than season 8 for you fans...... TY

Anonymous said...

Dexter can never end! Keep writing great stuff and the show will stay alive for as long as you want it to, nothing about 'going out on a high' just yet please :)

Anonymous said...

If Dexter ends I will quit watching Showtime.

Anonymous said...

Dexter is The Best Series EVER Made!!! Never stop it, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
As second place Twin Peaks... :-)

Anonymous said...

Don't let Dexter die in Season 8 or ever. Yes, he's a serial killer but one of a different color. Dexter deserves to leave the dark side and become the good person he has shown.

Anonymous said...

cant wait for season 8 premiere

Anonymous said...

Definitely the best series ever--the writing, the pacing, the twists, the acting--all keeps you wanting more. I hate to see it end, but logically it seems as if it is time. Only Carnivale is close to the mastery and genius of this series.

Anonymous said...

I love this show 'DEXTER' and I believe the likeable serial killer performs a public service by offing the bad guys who fall between the cracks of the legal system and get away with heinous crimes that they should pay for with their lives. DEXTER has all the criminals scared to do more crimes by putting them on his table and then making them disappear in the ocean. It is a great story line that should go for ten seasons and not eight.
I believe that DEXTER deserves to have a happy ending by going to Argentina with Hannah and living happily ever after. Deb is the one who should die and not DEXTER.

Anonymous said...

The last episode of season 7 when we see DEXTER and Debra walking together at the New Years Party they appear to be a powerful serial killer couple that should be forever united by their murder of Leguerta. I was expecting to see them in love and sexually involved in season 8. I was very disappointed to see DEXTER and Deb apart with her hating him. It does not fit the theme of this serial killer series. They should be together as a power serial killer couple offing all the bad guys. The producers and writes could still correct this mistake and make it go ten seasons and not eight.

Anonymous said...

DEXTER should never end because there are so many bad guys that he can get rid of plus we need to see him and Debra fall romantically in love and become a super serial killer couple that will help keep the world safer because they are such great serial police protectors.
So please tell Sara Cottleton the executive producer not to end the show on season eight but keep it going at least ten years.

Anonymous said...

I am surprised that Showtime and the producers of DEXTER have not written a spin off show that could keep Michael Hall making guest appearances where the storyline occurs in a different city and state in the USA and in foreign Country locations like Argentina or Australia so when DEXTER ends this year he can retire from his good serial killer job and run a butcher shop in one of these locations with either Debra or Hannah or both in a triangle bisexual relationship. I love this show and never want to see DEXTER die or be arrested and put in jail but just retire with a happy ending where he can keep coming back on his spin off series called 'Catch me if you can'?

Anonymous said...

I love your story, it would seriously be fantastic if that happens.

Anonymous said...

DEXTER deserves to have at least 150 episodes and not end at 96 which is what is planned now. I used to watch QUINCY with Jack Klugman and he always got the bad buy to put in the over crowded jails. DEXTER mode of operation is helping reduce the prison populations and helping feed the fish so his show should keep all the bad guys afraid to commit more crimes.
I think Michael Hall should star in a full length movie about DEXTER that could keep going with new installments every few years like STAR TREK or JAMES BOND.

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