Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Dexter`s latest amazing promo

Sneak peak into yet another Dexter Season 8 Promo. Dexter is standing and looking at all the pictures of people he killed.
Dexter Season 8 Promo

Do you really think that Dexter is going to die in the end or will he manage to make an escape.

Check it out Dexter Season 8 promo.


Dexter leaving Debra behind?

If Dexter has an end which sends him to death or behind the bars, is there anything which Mr. Morgan seems to be leaving behind? What about sister Morgan ?

In an interview with Showtime, Michael C. Hall said that the focus will be on what Dexter is leaving behind. As the promotional video itself titled as " From cop to Killer ". Does this mean Debra is going to take his place and will moonlight in the streets of Miami as a murderer.
from cop to killer

No doubt Debra has turned out to be an amazing cop from beginning to end of the Dexter series however she also loves Dexter. Will she carry on with Harry`s Code? We will have to wait till Dexter Returns on 30th of June.

Monday, 6 May 2013

Deb turning into a killer - Promo

Check out the new promo for Dexter season 8, Will Deb be the new Dexter? The show is due premiere on 30th of June.

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Dexter Season 8 Poster

The official poster has been released by Showtime for Dexter season 8 in which you can see Dexter wrapped up the plastic which he has used to dispose his kills since he has been a killer.

The look on his face is distressing and the text on the poster says "The End Begins". Does this suggest that Dexter who moonlights as a serial killer in Miami streets, is coming to an end?

As every serial killer has a harsh ending, will Dexter`s end be any different or he is going to get caught and held liable for his deeds.

Dexter season 8 poster

Dexter Tweets